The Far Left is all in on mandatory vaccination.
Joe Biden, acting president of the United States, announced last week that federal workers must attest to being vaccinated or be required to wear a mask and be tested.
Political opponents are pushing Gov. Ron DeSantis to require state employees to be vaccinated.
And now this, an email from Public Defender Charlie Cofer of Jacksonville:
“To all PD-04 Attorneys and Staff:
“For the last 14 months, I have had to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic on almost a daily basis. I am tired of it. I am generally a patient man, but I am truly tired of it. There are better ways for me to spend my time running this office and improving the quality of the legal work we do than having to deal with COVID-19.
“Being a person who has an educational background in science, the recent rise in COVID is frustrating to me. It has been totally avoidable. At this time last year, most of us were yearning for the development of a vaccine to protect the community against the spread of the virus. Others scoffed at the predictions being made about the number of deaths that would result over the winter months. At every step of the way, all of the predictions for fatalities last winter were spot-on accurate. It had been my hope that introduction of the vaccines would draw the community to stem the tide of this pandemic—that hasn’t occurred due to vaccine hesitancy. We have not seen the rate of vaccination rise to the necessary level.
“For reasons I cannot comprehend, there have been those who have spread incomprehensible mistruths, falsehoods and lies about the vaccines in the media and on social networks—for what reason, I cannot comprehend. We are now separated into two groups within our community—those who have been vaccinated who will experience manageable symptoms (if any) if they contract the disease. And those who have not been vaccinated who are placing themselves, families, friends and co-workers at serious risk.
“If you are in the non-vaccinated group and plan on “riding out” the pandemic, think again—that is just not how viruses of this nature work. A virus survives by constantly reinventing itself into new variants, seeking out those who have no immunity.
“Most of those who have contracted the virus in our office have made it through without hospitalization—in large part due to the fact that they have been vaccinated. I have been grateful for this fact. There have been others in the office who have not been as lucky. It pains me to see this.
“So, I am tired of all this—and I am sure most of you are tired of hearing about and dealing with the pandemic also. The only way our community will get on top of this pandemic is for more people to get vaccinated. Please do so as soon as you can for everyone.”
Cofer’s “background in science” apparently is that he has a degree in political science.
Vaccination can prevent the Red Chinese virus but the shots also can have side effects, and perhaps long-term effects. Some Americans would rather avoid the risk of taking the vaccine, but the proponents of Big Oppressive Government want to force all Americans to take the vaccine.
They have a label for Americans who prefer to make their own health care choices: “anti-vaxxers.”
While Curry has not issued a mandate for city workers, he made it clear in this video that he fully supports vaccination.