Political operatives are keeping up with the times, it appears.
The old method of knocking down a candidate’s yard signs still is in vogue. But with technology, new tricks have been devised.
Randy DeFoor, candidate for City Council from the Ortega area, may have been the victim of such an attack.
About six months ago, she had planned a fund-raiser. Many of those invited were moderates. DeFoor is a Republican.
An invitation was sent out to about 50 people.
An hour before the event everyone was advised by email that it was canceled.
About 15 people showed up for the event, DeFoor told Eye on Jacksonville.
But the person whose email address was used did not send the email, DeFoor said.
DeFoor told Eye on Jacksonville she talked to a computer expert who said the cyber-theft might be traced, but it would be far too expensive.
DeFoor is pitted in the May 14 runoff election against a Democrat who, DeFoor says, has received one-third of her campaign contributions from people who live outside the state of Florida.
Email account hacking happens often, and it is not a trivial matter.
In 2010, a guy was indicted on several federal charges for hacking Sarah Palin’s email account. A jury convicted him and he was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison.