Both deaths and dollars are generated by emergencies
Although the Red Chinese virus visited a lot of pain on Jacksonville residents, it meant
Although the Red Chinese virus visited a lot of pain on Jacksonville residents, it meant
The retirement of a longtime fixture at City “Haul” seems routine. But nothing ever is
Shortly after posting this article on Eye on Jacksonville’s Twitter account, we found our account
During testimony with the City Council committee investigating who was behind the JEA scheme, Brian
I’ve seen Mayor Curry’s “leadership” traits before. Sadly many of you have seen similar leadership
Over the weekend another news outlet uncovered information about the men around Mayor Curry. According
Demolition of the Jacksonville Landing produced a large pile of rubble but the debris was
Renderings published in the media indicate Mayor Lenny Curry is opting for a new bum
Yesterday we wrote an article about cronyism and corruption in Lenny Curry’s Administration. See that
Yesterday was a dark day for our City. I had the following calls and/or text
The breaking news yesterday was: Sam Mousa, Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Jacksonville
Putting stuff into the yellow-topped curbside recycling bins may make homeowners feel virtuous, but it
While the election battle is taking center stage here in Florida, our local city leaders
Jacksonville residents will be glad to know that there is at least one person in
We elect individuals to represent us, address infrastructure needs, address safety needs, and act financially
The headline read, “Mayor’s chief of staff Brian Hughes to serve as interim DIA CEO.”