While waiting for my lunch at Arlington’s favorite BBQ spot, I picked up a copy of Folio Weekly. Please don’t judge me. I know, it sucks. Nonetheless, it does give us a little peek inside the subculture of the Left. After flipping through weed advertisements, upcoming pride events and horoscopes, I stumbled upon this gem of a story: “Let’s Talk About Period Poverty.”
Hmm…. I am intrigued. What in the name of Cloward-Piven is Period Poverty?!
Period Poverty is a silly concept from the brilliant minds of our American-Marxist university elite. It is the “prevalent phenomena” of being unable to afford period products.

Also, there is a negative stigma when it comes to that time of the month for the menstruating marginalized. That negative stigma along with the racist reality period products are not free, cause “menstruating people” to suffer from period poverty. It is important to note, only “queer, black and brown” menstruating people are suffering from this reproductive injustice. Higher income levels, a university education nor country of origin alleviate any suffering from minority bleeding peoples in the United States.
Jacksonville’s own, 27-year-old “reproductive activist”, i.e., abortion activist, Alyx Carrasquel has given herself the dubious honor of working to end period poverty on the First Coast by creating the Jax Period Pantry. The Jax Period Pantry is a small white cupboard painted and decorated by Carrasquel herself. It took her two days.

After resting from all her hard work, Carrasquel took to social media to beg strangers to send her free period products to stock the shelves. She even stopped by Channel 4 for an interview.
Carrasquel’s bright green curly hair lit up the set while explaining to the sympathetic anchor, period products should be free because people need them. Carrasquel says she started the pantry because there is a crisis, right here in River City, of menstruators who don’t have “open and equal” access to free tampons. So,
she had to do something. Carrasquel also wants to rid us of the “horrible misconception” that periods are dirty. She says a period is “something that happens to a lot of people.”
Notice the language. Women are not a part of the conversation. Carrasquel is very careful not to let it slip this is a women’s issue or to even speak the word “woman.” She doesn’t discuss it in the interview, but Carrasquel posted several pictures on the Jax Period Pantry Instagram account flaunting men with period stains and post-op women with mastectomy scars.

While it is easy to laugh at the green haired abortionist whining on T.V., the “menstrual movement” behind her is very real.
This ideology is rampant throughout the West’s university system and within medical schools across the country. A paper written by two master’s students in Epidemiology at the University of Michigan Public Health, argues “it is essential that when we talk about period poverty, we keep in mind that not all menstruators are women, and not all women menstruate.” The article continues: “Period poverty especially prevents low-income menstruators from bleeding with dignity [emphasis added].” The author’s claim access to tampons is a right and the opportunities to work toward “menstrual equity” are “boundless.”’
Wow. It took two master’s students from one of our nation’s top public health schools to write a 547-word paper, and that is all they could come up with. These people are not serious. This Marxist garbage is what 24-year-old medical students are being brainwashed into believing for a $100,000 a pop throughout our country’s elite public university system.
There are dozens of research papers and articles written by rich Western elitists claiming millions of people around the globe are suffering from lack of free tampons and pads. All the write ups love to tell the same story. The name, age and location changes, but the narrative is exactly the same. Almost word for word: Poor Africans have it so bad in life, menstruators are reduced to using cow dung as pads. Their suffering is exacerbated by living under an oppressive patriarchal society. Once the cow crap pad is soaked “I carefully dispose of it privately. I usually dig a small hole in the ground and bury it. In our culture, it is not allowed for men to see such things.” That portion of the story is repeated in some form in every article and research paper.

The whole point is for you to feel guilty for your period prosperity and harbor even more pity for suffering African menstruators. However, this perceived suffering
troubles only our coddled upper middle class and elite Western women. Several African news outlets and blogs discuss this topic and none of the women seemed to have an issue with the cows helping out once a month.

In fact, most explained how this technique was used for thousands of years by their foremothers and is considered a normal, healthy tradition. Keep in mind, these women do not have indoor plumbing. They live in mud/thatch huts in rural areas without running water. I find it amusing, over-educated Westerners in air-conditioned offices claiming African women living their traditional lives equates to worldwide suffering and in turn leads to a fixable crisis. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Send in Carrasquel with her iPhone and free tampons for every non-binary bleeder in the African bush! Period dignity for all!
It is not just poor Africans and Jacksonville’s own menstruators who are suffering without government subsidized sanitary napkins. The crisis has even spread all the way to Florida’s state capital. A CBS station in Tallahassee sent a male reporter to find out why city leaders are so concerned about women’s periods. Leon County is spending $20 grand a year to stock tampon supply stations in women’s and gender-neutral restrooms around town. A government employee, in a soothing soft voice periodsplains to the news man: “When your cycle is interrupted by a period and you don’t have the proper period products, that can interfere with your ability to attend work, properly attend school, even if you are there physically, your mind is not at rest. And you are worried about your own biological needs, you can’t meet your needs of your education or your job’s.”
And there it is. From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. See, when you are on your period, it hurts the collective good. And the “collective” is what all of this is about. Marxism 101. Everything with the Left always breaks down to Barack’s proclaimed presidential goal: the fundamental transformation of America.
Teaching people unfounded false platitudes such as periods cause poverty, men have periods and basic hygiene products should be free because people want them is right out of the American-Marxist playbook. The idea is to take cultural norms flip them upside down, pervert them and then use “experts” and media as patsies to gain legitimacy. Carrasquel is making a fool of herself with her period pantry pandering media campaign. But she has received national attention for her activism by some big-name news outlets. WESH2 in Orlando, featured Carrasquel in a story whining about the amount of responsibility it takes to have a baby. She explains “carrying a pregnancy (notice how she doesn’t use the word ‘baby,’) to full term is very emotionally and physically taxing.” Killing the child instead is “the best option” for her and somehow the dead baby saved her life. Carrasquel callously
brags murdering her unborn baby “definitely saved my life, like emotionally, mentally and physically.”

It must be noted, there is a need for basic hygiene products for underserved women and girls on the First Coast. There are legitimate organizations in Jacksonville working every day to help lessen the burden on those struggling. Those groups are doing important, compassionate work. Do your research and donate to those reputable organizations. Do not donate to Marxist activist groups masquerading as charity foundations. Entities like Jax Period Pantry, or the non-profit which employs Carrasquel, the Florida Access Network, are radical racist political activist groups promoting an ideology which is counterintuitive to promoting the health and wellbeing of women who need compassionate help.
Feminine hygiene care isn’t political, ideological or a “queer, black and brown” issue. Periods are a part of life. Carrasquel and fellow travelers are convinced government subsidized tampons will make a monthly cycle thoughtless. And in return all “queer, black and brown folks” who bleed will finally have the dignity, respect and financial freedom, only white menstruators are allowed to experience.