Are Republicans beating themselves to death?
New polls showing a Far Left Democrat leading several Republican challengers in the mayor’s race
New polls showing a Far Left Democrat leading several Republican challengers in the mayor’s race
Despite the catastrophic state of the union, too many Americans remain complacent, Florida Sen. Rick
School Superintendent Diana Greene deserves credit for setting the media straight on a story they
Parents and politicians continue their attempts to protect Florida schoolchildren from the liberal efforts to
Don’t invite Dean Black and Robin Lumb to the same party – especially if it
Parents of children in government schools are mounting another campaign against the obsession the federal
No matter who you support for mayor, the way City Council is investigating one of
Parents are not giving up the battle for their kids in government schools, but they
As might be expected, leftwing pro-criminal agitators in Jacksonville are taking advantage of the Memphis
There have been a number of political bosses in Jacksonville. In the 1930s and ‘40s
Last week was national school choice week and school choice is succeeding in Florida more
Florida continues to ward off efforts by the Far Left to teach hate and homosexuality
Jacksonville Republicans aren’t ready to let go of the JEA scandal just yet. They are
It might be a good idea to view the “hate speech” incidents in Jacksonville and
Daniel Davis will keep his position as head of the Chamber of Commerce – and
Government schools in Jacksonville should be given credit for shutting down plans to produce a