“The demon is a mob, and the mob is demonic. The Democratic Party activates mobs, depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs—it is the mob.” – Ann Coulter, Demonic.
To appease the mob, Mayor Lenny Curry has had historical statues taken down in Jacksonville.
This includes a statue to honor the Southern dead in the Civil War that stood for a century in Hemming Park.
This was a demand of community organizers on the Northside. It had been debated in City Council, but Curry took it upon himself to remove statues in the dead of night.
There is a move nationwide by liberal fascists to revise history, using mob violence.
George Orwell’s brilliant portrayal of totalitarian society, 1984, put the Ministry of Truth in charge of history revision. Its duties were official deception, secret surveillance, brazenly misleading terminology, and manipulation of recorded history. Past events literally were tossed down the “memory hole” by bureaucrats who wrote an approved version of history. In today’s society, the Deep State and the liberal media work hand in hand to fulfill that function.
The impetus for the current wave of violence was the monstrous libel against the American people that ran in the New York Times, called The 1619 Project, making the absurd claim that the nation was founded on slavery.
No living American ever owned a slave. No living American ever was a slave. No one living today is responsible for anything that happened in the middle of the 19th century.
Only a handful of people in America are “racists.”
Most Americans believe what Rev. Martin Luther King believed: People should be judged by their character, not skin color.
“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today.” ― Thomas Sowell
Slavery has existed 4,000 years, but only a relatively brief span of time in the United States of America. – 76 years. One person’s lifetime. A brutal war was fought to eliminate it, and the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and segregation.
But in the 1960s, the Democrats saw black votes and illegal immigrants as the party’s future. They created a “Great Society” that not only failed to “lift people out of poverty” but stopped the steady decline in black poverty, causing millions of black families to fracture and become trapped in the welfare cycle.
In an attempt to avoid the richly deserved blame, they have been trying to portray the Republican Party and conservatives as racists ever since. In fact, they are the ones who replaced a small and dwindling amount of social discrimination with a huge, formal government program of reverse discrimination, labeled “affirmative action.”
The current racial turmoil was ginned up after a person died while resisting arrest, with aid from foreign sources eager to replace capitalism with socialism. Ironically, Democrat-run cities are reaping the whirlwind.
Amid the media-fueled violence, the 54th Regiment Memorial, a sculpture dedicated to black soldiers who fought in the Civil War, was damaged by mobs in Boston – on the 123rd anniversary of its dedication.
The myth of “systemic racism” has been promulgated and Democrats are using every means to convince Americans that it exists and that they have a plan to eliminate it.
But if they do, why didn’t they put it into place in 2009 when they controlled the entire federal government and could have done so with ease?
Is taking a sledge hammer to statues going to make anyone’s life better?
Weak-kneed politicians are caving before the mob. Businessmen fearful of economic ruin are pretending that they are guilty of “white privilege to appease the mob.
The truth is a black person in America is better off than a black person almost anywhere in the world. Boxer Muhammed Ali once said, after a visit to Africa: “Thank God my ancestors got on that boat.”
(Ali also said, notably: “Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.”)
Shelby Steele, a black veteran of the civil rights movement of the 1960s and a best-selling author, said on the June 7 episode of Life, Liberty, and Levin the protesters have nothing new to say, and that blacks have never been less oppressed in American society.
Tearing down statues, changing school names and forcing politicians to their knees might make good theater and score political points but it is not going to make anyone’s life better.
The Confederacy was a lost cause, and a wrong-headed cause but it is gone with the wind.
Pretending that it never existed or that it was the fault of people living today is a fantasy rooted in pure, raw politics and a lust for power.
“Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and important. Some confuse that feeling with idealism.” ― Thomas Sowell
In spite of Hillary Clinton’s plea for people to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election, the far left never has. They have tried every means to nullify the choice of the electorate: fake Russian collusion, fake impeachment charges, fake photos, fake quotes – every thing they could throw against President Donald Trump.
The false charges of systemic injustice and racism are another effort. If it results in a coalition of liberals, fascists, socialist and communists winning the presidency in November, constitutional rights will be under assault, taxes and spending will skyrocket, producers will be plundered to reward Democrat voters, the borders will be thrown open and America will spiral down.
Falling statues are just a harbinger.