Jacksonville has become infected with a group of social justice warriors whose ostensible mission in life is to tear down monuments related to Southern history.
The hate group is a shadowy group that does not disclose its funding, which means it probably can be traced back to George Soros, a socialist and avowed foe of America and capitalism who is funding similar groups worldwide.
“Take Em Down Everywhere” is the campaign. It has a Web site and has posted billboards in the area. It seeks to tear down statues, like the one in Confederate Park.
Claiming to be “A black-led, multiracial, international, intergenerational, inclusive coalition,” the group rails against “white supremacy” but its literature suggests it actually may be a black supremacy group and/or is opposed to Western civilization, like many other extremist groups.
Tipping off its intentions, the group posts the preposterous charge that “Western civilization was founded on genocidal warfare and the enslavement of human beings rooted in an ideology of white supremacy.”
It also gives a nod toward the equally absurd notion of “reparations” that is being talked about again on the extreme left.
It could also be a Russian plant. Russia is, our intelligence agencies say, focused on sowing dissent in America.
The new hate group apparently has ties to an organization that styles itself the Independent Media Institute.
Among other things, the institute opposes school choice, which is providing equal educational opportunity for millions of minority children. This reveals its socialist roots.
The last thing Jacksonville needs is another extremist group.