Day: January 13, 2023

  • Sex Jokes and Drive-By Shootings Found on Children’s Toy

    Sex Jokes and Drive-By Shootings Found on Children’s Toy

    Catholic priest sex jokes, drive-by shooting jokes and jokes about dead employees, all can be told in good fun with friends. Who doesn’t love a good joke? But, how about telling a sex joke to a 9-month-old? Not so funny, right? That is exactly what Mom, Ashley Lynn, says her son was exposed too by a…

  • Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Ben Frazier Has Got to Go!

    Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Ben Frazier Has Got to Go!

    Lock Ben up! Lock Ben up! Northside Coalition agitator Ben Frazier was arrested for disrupting a Dec. 13 Jacksonville City Council meeting. He was protesting for the removal of local Confederate monuments. This jail bird needs to go back to his dilapidated, crime-infested Northside neighborhood and stay there. We’ve had enough of his anti-police, public-disorder…