Month: August 2022

  • The government is not the boss of us

    The government is not the boss of us

    More speakers are needed to speak at school board meetings. If a 12-year-old like me can speak at one, then just about anyone can. The Founding Fathers created the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, with the First Amendment recognizing the freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers said that if the government does something that…

  • Parents: Keep your eyes wide open. They are coming for your kids

    Parents: Keep your eyes wide open. They are coming for your kids

    Who would have thought a child could be counseled in their school to change their gender – not just their identity. That means your child could change their physical bodies to another sex and you may have no way to stop it. There is a big push by radical groups to help children transition their…

  • One family’s story about politicized schools

    One family’s story about politicized schools

    Parents wish the best for their children and will do almost anything to make that desire come true. However, the school environment of today is not that of days past. There is a very sinister evil lurking in the shadows and is preying upon the vulnerable young minds of our children. Here is a not-so…

  • Parents have the right and duty to protect their children

    Parents have the right and duty to protect their children

    This week we are sending our children off to begin a new school year. Aspirations of success, new experiences and making new friends abound in the heart of every child. As parents we wish the best for our children and will do almost anything to make that desire come true. However, the school environment of…

  • School Board candidate is under vicious attack by Democratic Party

    School Board candidate is under vicious attack by Democratic Party

    April Carney, conservative candidate for the School Board, is punching back against a vicious smear by local Democrats. Carney is challenging a Democrat incumbent on the board, Elizabeth Andersen. The party tweeted that “radical” Carney took part in the protest at the Capitol Jan. 6, 2021, at which a police officer shot and killed an…

  • Bad ideas never die and Jacksonville should avoid them

    Bad ideas never die and Jacksonville should avoid them

    Disregarding mountains of evidence, the Orange County government is seeking rent control. Eye on Jacksonville hopes that Jacksonville leaders will not make a similar mistake, given that leftwing activists occasionally suggest such a disastrous policy. Oregon started using rent control in 2019 and it has spread to other states. Rent control exacerbates housing shortages, causes…

  • Private eye raises questions about inspections in local schools

    Private eye raises questions about inspections in local schools

    For 10 years or more, the Duval County School District has been doing building inspections improperly or not at all, a local private investigator alleges. David Hodges told Eye on Jacksonville he has notified both the school police department and the School Board of the situation but apparently nothing has been done. “There is no…

  • Conglomerates are snapping up land

    Conglomerates are snapping up land

    Junk mail is found in every mailbox across the nation. For most, it will make one last journey from mailbox to trash can. However, recently there is one piece that has been a frequent repeat. So, this time I opened it to find it was an offer to purchase our home, as-is, with an all-cash…

  • Jacksonville Democrat goes to Geneva to trash-talk Florida

    Jacksonville Democrat goes to Geneva to trash-talk Florida

    Local agitator Ben Frazier is going to speak at the United Nations. Frazier is a Democrat and a former TV reporter. He knows how to generate headlines and get his mug on television. Recently, he made a scene at a press conference and managed to get arrested. The charges were dropped. He is a perpetual…

  • Parents block latest attempt to pepper young children with detailed sex information

    Parents block latest attempt to pepper young children with detailed sex information

    Parents continue to do battle with government schools that want to groom children for potentially harmful gender experiments and also substitute a barrage of information about sex rather than reading, writing and math. The last encounter was Tuesday when members of the County Citizens for Defending Freedom and other groups, including Moms for Liberty, challenged…

  • Need for another tax increase is hazy

    Need for another tax increase is hazy

    Government schools in Jacksonville are trying hard to convince local taxpayers to raise taxes on themselves, but the arguments are not persuasive. The tax increase to be voted on this month would mean someone in a $300,000 home would pay $275 a year more in property taxes, according to News 4 Jax. School officials say…

  • Parents are being galvanized into action

    Parents are being galvanized into action

    Local citizens are doing the job politicians and the local media can’t – or won’t – do. They are monitoring the government schools and some of the things they are finding are disturbing. Maleana Gay, a member of County Citizens Defending Freedom, posted some thoughts on Facebook that were then published in Eye on Jacksonville.…

  • Pain at the pump produced by politicians

    Pain at the pump produced by politicians

    Washington, D.C., is unlike the popular saying; “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” What happens in Washington visits every town in the nation. Pulling into a gas station these days has become a stress-inducing experience. How or why, in less than two years, did gas prices get so high? For the first time in…