Polling genius, Consolidation expert & Jax native Pat Caddell: “Dems hijacked by a confederacy of gangsters”
(In the run-up to the 50th anniversary of consolidation, we have written several columns on the history of that local political miracle.) During the heated process of bringing about consolidation, one of the lesser known parts was played by Pat Caddell. Today, Caddell is known as a polling genius who has worked for a number…
Special Report: JEA…Who or What caused this Stinking mess?
In 1973, JEA seemingly was sitting pretty: 100 percent dependent on oil to produce electricity and invested in a long-term fuel contract to buy oil. Suddenly, a little known outfit called OPEC – an Arab oil cartel – decided to triple the price of oil. The wise men who had secured that contract now looked…