Day: September 24, 2024

  • Shad Khan’s Best Team Ever? Maybe It’s Time to Stop Spending Billions on Losers

    Shad Khan’s Best Team Ever? Maybe It’s Time to Stop Spending Billions on Losers

    So, Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan thought 2024 was going to be the year, didn’t he? He declared his team the best ever assembled, signed Trevor Lawrence to a massive $275 million deal, and promised the fan base that “winning now is the expectation.” Fast forward to Week 3, and the Jaguars are 0-3, fresh…

  • CBS Network accuses Florida of COVID misinformation

    CBS Network accuses Florida of COVID misinformation

    Weeks late, CBS finally responded to Florida’s official guidance against the covid shots, with a hilariously ironic op-ed disguised as straight news, and headlined “Florida’s new COVID booster guidance is straight-up misinformation.” Haha! The article’s first rollicking claim was that Florida —not CBS or its cadre of cherrypicked covid experts— has a “pattern of spreading…