Day: June 30, 2024

  • JSO offers car locks to curb Hyundai and Kia thefts

    JSO offers car locks to curb Hyundai and Kia thefts

    A few weeks ago, my husband and I returned home from our monthly date night at EPCOT. (Yes, we go monthly. Feel free to poke fun, I am not ashamed. 😊) We pulled into our empty driveway, grabbed our bags and I walked inside expecting to have a few more minutes of quiet alone time…

  • Biden’s Trans Top Doc Helps Jax Stay Cool

    Biden’s Trans Top Doc Helps Jax Stay Cool

    The mayor of Jacksonville and the federal government’s assistant secretary of health wants to make sure you know it is hot outside. So, they held a press conference. “You can’t take for granted that people are just going to know this stuff. You have to take the time to educate them,” Mayor Donna Deegan said.…