Day: June 9, 2023

  • Blue Zone Project: A Socialist Hedge of Protection

    Blue Zone Project: A Socialist Hedge of Protection

    Isn’t it great when government and corporations join to force behavior changes on people in the name of health? There used to be a word for that, but I cannot put my finger on it… In a totally unrelated story… A new health initiative in Jacksonville wants to force certain behavior choices corporate America and…

  • Lenny’s legacy is lame

    Lenny’s legacy is lame

    “Lame Duck Lenny” Curry, soon to be ex-mayor of Jacksonville, perpetrated one last act of defiance en route to his exit at the end of this month. Curry has had a bee in his bonnet for years about a statue that was in a downtown park for a century. In the dead of night, he…

  • Hateful liberals attack protective parent

    Hateful liberals attack protective parent

    A liberal hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a group of parents who are defending kids a “hate group.” This preposterous claim is typical of liberals, who often deflect what they are doing. It is, in fact, the left that is spreading hate and dissension with devices such as “trans…